The examples in this section demonstrate how to perform some simple repository queries. In the Repository API, all queries are performed with
or QueryExpression
objects. A QueryExpression
is a building block you can use to create simple or complex queries. A Query
is a repository query that can be executed. A Query
can also be used as a building block to create queries that are more complicated.import atg.repository.*; MutableRepository pRepository = (MutableRepository)ServletUtil.getCurrentRequest().resolveName ("/atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository"); // Queries are created using QueryBuilders and executed by // RepositoryViews. A Query is defined in the context of a // specific item descriptor and thus must be built and executed with // the right QueryBuilder and RepositoryView. RepositoryItemDescriptor userDesc = pRepository.getItemDescriptor("user"); RepositoryView userView = userDesc.getRepositoryView(); QueryBuilder userBuilder = userView.getQueryBuilder(); // create a QueryExpression that represents the property userType QueryExpression userType = userBuilder.createPropertyQueryExpression("userType"); // create a QueryExpression that represents the constant 2 QueryExpression two = userBuilder.createConstantQueryExpression(new Integer(2)); // now we build our query: userType = 2 Query userTypeIsTwo = userBuilder.createComparisonQuery(userType, two, QueryBuilder.EQUALS); // finally, execute the query and get the results RepositoryItem[] answer = userView.executeQuery(userTypeIsTwo); System.out.println("running query: userType = 2"); if (answer == null) { System.out.println("no items were found"); } else { for (int i=0; i<answer.length; i++) System.out.println("id: " + answer[i].getRepositoryId()); }
import atg.repository.*; MutableRepository pRepository = (MutableRepository)ServletUtil.getCurrentRequest().resolveName ("/atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository"); // reuse the building blocks we have to create // the "userType < 2" query Query userTypeLTTwo = userBuilder.createComparisonQuery(userType, two, QueryBuilder.LESS_THAN); // create the "login STARTS WITH j" query QueryExpression login = userBuilder.createPropertyQueryExpression("login"); QueryExpression j = userBuilder.createConstantQueryExpression("j"); //Note that we could make this query case-insensitive by adding another //parameter to the createPatternMatchQuery, with a value of true Query startsWithJ = userBuilder.createPatternMatchQuery(login, j, QueryBuilder.STARTS_WITH); // now AND the two pieces together. You can AND together as many // Query pieces as you like: we only have two in our example Query[] pieces = { userTypeLTTwo, startsWithJ }; Query andQuery = userBuilder.createAndQuery(pieces); // execute the query and get the results answer = userView.executeQuery(andQuery); System.out.println("running query: userType < 2 AND login STARTS WITH j"); if (answer == null) { System.out.println("no items were found"); } else { for (int i=0; i<answer.length; i++) { RepositoryItem item = answer[i]; String id = item.getRepositoryId(); String l = (String)item.getPropertyValue("login"); Integer a = (Integer)item.getPropertyValue("userType"); System.out.println("item: " + id + ", login=" + l + ", userType=" + a); } }
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