What are the two methods in a component
getters & setters
Have you worked with repositories
if you answer yes be ready to answer questions on cache, implementing
a repository from scratch, and others. (please see my post on
Name 2 types of tables
primary and auxillary
Have you worked on shopping carts
CartModifierFormHandler , ShoppingCartFormHandler
Name 2 types of checkout
Express Checkout, Guest Checkout
Difference between Express Checkout and Checkout
Express- Logged in user has information stored
will enter all information (shipping, billing, review steps) and
information is not saved
What is BCC
Business Control Center- UI for Business Users (to upload content to
Catalogs, create promotions etc)
What are custom dsp tags
Custom tags is written by the developer.
Dsp is all ready to use.
you can use to render content dynamically by linking Nucleus
components directly to your JSPs. Essentially, the DSP tag libraries
let you connect your JSP content to the Java code at work behind the
scenes so you can separate your application logic from your
presentation layer.
ATG 7 provides you with
three tag libraries: JSTL, DSP/DSPEL, and Core. You can find these
tag libraries in <ATG7dir>/DAS/taglib.
9. Difference between droplet, FormHandler and servlet:
Servlet is a java class. Droplet is from ATG
Droplet is used to render
or put data in the db
Servlet is used to submit
data, it acts as a controller. It is not used to put data.
Servlet also renders the
portion of JSP page.
FormHandlers are used when
there are forms. They help to perform validation for the forms.
10. Difference between dsp and dspel tags
Ans: The DSP tag library
tags support runtime expressions, such as references to scripting
variables. These tags use a id attribute to name the scripting
variables they create.
The DSPEL tag library tags
support JSTL Expression Language (EL) elements that are also
evaluated at runtime. These tags often produce a result object named
by the var attribute.
For custom tags we need to
write the properties file and a class file to define the functions.
We need to include a tag file with extension .tld. (tag library
definition) and in the droplet include the path of the tag uri <%
tag uri…..%>
For example we can write a
custom tag to calculate the shipping rate with promotion and save it
and then extend wherever required.
what is Nucleus
Ans: Nucleus is the
central registry for the JavaBeans that contain your
application-level logic. It creates and configures Dynamo components
and organizes them into a hierarchical namespace
difference between dsp: include and jsp:include
Dsp imports all objects of type class also, where as jsp imports only
primitive types.
Jsp includes are dynamic
where as dsp include are for data which is smaller than 64 kb.
ATG created the DSP tag
library as a mechanism for accessing all data types, including those
that exist in ATG’s Nucleus framework. Other functions provided by
these tags manage transactions and determine how data is rendered in
a JSP. It’s best to use tags from the DSP tag library only for
tasks that involve Dynamo Application Framework (DAF) resources. Dsp
tag support for the passing of object parameters between pages. In
particular, use dsp:include rather than jsp:include, and use
dsp:param rather than jsp:param.
How to implement shopping cart
What is the main formhandler you use for Shopping cart
ShoppingCartFormHandler & CartModifierFormHandler
what are the ATG component scopes(global session and request)
(see post on scopes)
what are the Advantages of DAF
Ans: It
is used to maintain huge data
It has repositories which
help is data anywhere architecture.
Dependency injection
It can write any object of
type 1 call in to the db.
Dynamo messaging using
patch bay and jms
“Inversion of Control”
design pattern, whereby software components are discrete
entities coupled together
by the Nucleus container, rather than through direct
What is a Component
Is a Java bean
What are scenarios
Scenario anticipates and tracks the actions of the people who visit
your Web site and responds appropriately by, for example, tailoring
the content of the site, offering price promotions, or sending
targeted e-mail messages
what is a pipeline
Atg Pipeline is a variant of Servlet Pipeline, In an ATG pipeline the
sequence of Programs are executed in a queue.
Is DAS for high volume or low volume traffic
High volume
What are the performance issues with ATG
Performance problems come in many shapes and sizes, but they all mean
that the processing of some task is not happening at the expected,
and previously observed speed. Performance issues include CPU
utilization problems, slow response times, high levels of database
activity, long running SQL queries, slow CA deployments, just to name
a few.
Why is Eclipse used with ATG
Eclipse IDE
Which is the IBM product used with ATG
WebSphere Application Server
What are derived properties
Enables one repository item to derive property values from another
repository item or from another property in the same repository item.
Difference between Item Cache and Query cache
Ans: For each item
descriptor, an SQL repository maintains two caches:
Item caches hold the
values of repository items, indexed by repository IDs. Item caching
can be explicitly enabled for each item descriptor.
Query caches hold the
repository IDs of items that match given queries. When a query
returns repository items whose item descriptor enables query caching,
the result set is cached as follows:
● | The query cache stores the repository IDs. |
● | The item cache stores the corresponding repository
items. |
What are different modes caching
Caching modes are set at
the item descriptor level, through
the <item-descriptor> tag’s cache-mode attribute.
The default caching mode is simple caching. To set a different
caching mode on an item descriptor, set cache-mode to one
of the following values:
● | simple |
● | locked |
● | distributed (distributed TCP caching) |
● | distributedJMS (distributed JMS caching) |
● | distributedHybrid (distributed hybrid
caching) |
27. which are the handleX
methods in <any important formhandlers..>
Ans: HandleX methods
contain the actual function to be performed. its a method. Like in
ProfileFormHandler- handleLogin
What are priceLists
Price Lists allow you to target a specific set of prices to a
specific group of customers. Price lists are managed through a single
interface in the ACC. For example, price lists can be used to
implement business to business pricing where each customer can have
its own unique pricing for products based on contracts, RFQ and
pre-negotiated prices.
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