Adding One Item at a Time
The simplest way to add items to the current shopping cart is to add them one at a time. The following JSP code example serves as an illustration.
In the example, the user can select which SKU of the current product to add to the cart from a drop-down list. A ForEach servlet bean is used to iterate over the SKUs of the product and populate the drop-down list, which is associated with the catalogRefIds property of the CartModifierFormHandler. Additionally, the user can specify in a textbox a quantity of the selected SKU to add to the cart, which is associated with the quantity property of the CartModifierFormHandler.
When the user clicks the Add To Cart submit button, the form is processed, the properties of CartModifierFormHandler are set, and the handleAddItemToOrder method of CartModifierFormHandler is invoked. The handleAddItemToOrder method adds the quantity (specified in CartModifierFormHandler.quantity) of the selected SKU (specified in CartModifierFormHandler.catalogRefIds and identified by repository ID) to the current Order and then reprices the Order.
<dsp:importbean bean="/atg/dynamo/droplet/ForEach"/>
<%--Create a form for user to select a SKU and add it to his/her cart:--%>
<dsp:getvalueof id="form10" bean="/OriginatingRequest.requestURI"
<dsp:form action="<%=form10%>" method="post">
<%--Store this product's ID in the Form Handler: --%>
<dsp:input bean="CartModifierFormHandler.ProductId"
paramvalue="Product.repositoryId" type="hidden"/>
<%--set id param so that the Navigator won't get messed up in case of an
error that makes us return to this page.--%>
<input value='<dsp:valueof param="Product.repositoryId"/>' type="hidden"
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
<tr><td class=box-top-store>Add to Cart</td></tr>
<tr><td class=box>
<%--Display any errors that have been generated during Cart
<%--Textbox with QTY the user wants to order: --%>
<dsp:input bean="CartModifierFormHandler.quantity" size="4"
value="1" type="text"/>
<%--Create a dropdown list with all SKUs in the Product.
Store the selected SKU's id in the form handler: --%>
<dsp:select bean="CartModifierFormHandler.catalogRefIds">
<%--For each of the SKUs in this Product, add the SKU to the
dropdown list:--%>
<dsp:droplet name="ForEach">
<dsp:param param="Product.childSKUs" name="array"/>
<dsp:param value="Sku" name="elementName"/>
<dsp:param value="skuIndex" name="indexName"/>
<dsp:oparam name="output">
<%--This is the ID to store if this SKU is selected in
<dsp:getvalueof id="option73" param="Sku.repositoryID"
<dsp:option value="<%=option73%>"/>
<%--Display the SKU's display name in the dropdown
<dsp:valueof param="Sku.displayName"/>
<%--ForEach SKU droplet--%>
<%-- ADD TO CART BUTTON: Adds this SKU to the Order--%>
<dsp:input bean="CartModifierFormHandler.addItemToOrder"
value="Add to Cart" type="submit"/>
<%-- Go to this URL if NO errors are found during the ADD TO
CART button processing:--%>
<dsp:input bean="CartModifierFormHandler.addItemToOrderSuccessURL"
value="/checkout/cart.jsp" type="hidden"/>
Note : if you’ve installed ATG Business Commerce, you can also refer to AddToCart.jsp in the Motorprise reference application for a similar JSP code example. AddToCart.jsp is embedded into product.jsp to enable the user to add a quantity of the displayed SKU to the user’s shopping cart. You can access both AddToCart.jsp and product.jsp at <ATG2007.3dir>\MotorpriseJSP\j2ee-apps\motorprise\web-app\en\catalog\. You can also open these pages in the ACC’s Document Editor via the Pages and Components>J2EE Pages task area.
Adding Multiple Items at Once
You can create pages that allow users to add multiple items to the current shopping cart in a single form submission. The items can refer to different products, different SKUs, and have different quantities. The CartModifierFormHandler contains an items property that allows you to set per-item property values.
The following JSP code example illustrates adding multiple items for more than one SKU for a single product. In the example, the user can specify in a textbox a different quantity for each SKU to add to the cart. There are hidden input fields for the product ID and SKUs. Each product ID, SKU, and quantity textbox is associated with a subproperty of one element in the CartModifierFormHandler.items array.
When the user clicks the Add To Cart submit button, the form is processed, the properties of CartModifierFormHandler are set, and the handleAddItemToOrder method of CartModifierFormHandler is invoked. The handleAddItemToOrder method iterates through the CartModifierFormHandler.items elements and adds an item for each element with a non-zero quantity, using that element’s productId and catalogRefId for the new item.
<dsp:importbean bean="/atg/dynamo/droplet/ForEach"/>
<dsp:form action="display_product.jsp" method="post">
<input name="id" type="hidden" value='<dsp:valueof
<dsp:input bean="CartModifierFormHandler.addItemToOrderSuccessURL"
type="hidden" value="shoppingcart.jsp"/>
<table border=1>
<dsp:droplet name="ForEach">
<dsp:param name="array" param="product.childSKUs"/>
<dsp:param name="elementName" value="sku"/>
<dsp:param name="indexName" value="skuIndex"/>
<dsp:oparam name="outputStart">
<dsp:input bean="CartModifierFormHandler.addItemCount"
paramvalue="size" type="hidden"/>
<dsp:oparam name="output">
<td><dsp:valueof param="sku.displayName"/></td>
bean="CartModifierFormHandler.items[param:skuIndex].quantity" size="4"
type="text" value="0"/>
paramvalue="sku.repositoryId" type="hidden"/>
paramvalue="product.repositoryId" type="hidden"/>
<dsp:input bean="CartModifierFormHandler.addItemToOrder" type="submit"
value="Add To Cart"/>
The CartModifierFormHandler must be told how many elements to allocate for the items array. This is done by setting the CartModifierFormHandler.addItemCount property. In the preceding example, addItemCount is set to the number of SKUs defined for the product in a hidden input field . This technique works in the example because all of the CartModifierFormHandler.items input fields have explicit value or paramvalue attributes.
The next code fragment illustrates a more complex technique for setting CartModifierFormHandler.addItemCount. This technique is appropriate if you want to preserve a user’s input when a page is redisplayed because of a form submission error. The dsp:setvalue tag is not executed if the page is redisplayed.
<dsp:droplet name="/atg/dynamo/droplet/Switch">
<dsp:param name="value" bean="CartModifierFormHandler.addItemCount"/>
<dsp:oparam name="0">
<dsp:setvalue bean="CartModifierFormHandler.addItemCount" value="5"/>
<dsp:input bean="CartModifierFormHandler.addItemCount" value="5"
Overriding the Default Commerce Item Type
By default, ATG Commerce supports three types of commerce items. One corresponds to regular SKUs. The other two correspond to configurable SKUs and their subproperties in the ATG Commerce Catalog Your site may support additional custom commerce item types
The commerceItemType property of CartModifierFormHandler determines what type of commerce item is created by addItemToOrder. Normally, commerceItemType is set to “default.” You can specify a different commerce item type in the CartModifierFormHandler configuration file or in a form input field. If you add multiple items in a single form submission, you can override the CartModifierFormHandler.commerceItemType setting for an individual item by including a hidden input field to set CartModifierFormHandler.items[n].commerceItemType.
Values for commerceItemType must match keys in /atg/commerce/order/OrderTools.commerceItemTypeClassMap.
Handling Custom Commerce Item Properties
The CartModifierFormHandler.addItemToOrder method has built-in support for some types of commerce item extensions. If your site has extended commerce items with primitive data type properties, you can supply values for those properties by associating form fields with the CartModifierFormHandler.value Dictionary.
For example, suppose your site has extended commerce items to support monograms, and the custom properties are named monogram and style. The following JSP code example illustrates how to handle user input for monograms without making any CartModifierFormHandler changes.
<b>Monogram Options</b><br>
Initials / Text: <dsp:input bean="CartModifierFormHandler.value.monogram"
size="20" type="text"/><br>
Style: <dsp:select bean="">
<dsp:option value="Block"/>Block
<dsp:option value="Diamond"/>Diamond
<dsp:option value="Panel"/>Panel
<dsp:option value="Stagger"/>Stagger
<dsp:option value="Script"/>Script
If you add multiple items in a single form submission, you can supply different custom property values for each item via the value Dictionary in each CartModifierFormHandler.items array element. Continuing with the preceding example, you could specify a single item’s monogram text as:
Initials / Text: <dsp:input
bean="CartModifierFormHandler.items[0].value.monogram" size="20"
If you add multiple items in a single form submission and you want to supply the same custom property values for all or most of the items, you can use CartModifierFormHandler.value for the common values and CartModifierFormHandler.items[n].value for special cases. If a property name appears in both the common Dictionary and an individual item’s Dictionary, addItemToOrder uses the individual item’s value.
Note that the value Dictionary cannot be used for standard commerce item properties, such as quantity and catalogRefId.
Hi Mate, great post!
Have you ever had to change the price of a line item inside a basket?
I have a scenario that allows customers to change the current price of a product in the checkout process. However, until now, I wasn't abe to a achieve it.
I searched a lot on the web and find inside ATG Programming Guide, something that should have some relation with my issue... The ItemSalePriceCalculator. But I don't know exactly if it works for me.
Any assistance that you could give me, would be very helpful.
I had a chance to change price of a line item, but it needs more work to do,As per my understanding i would say Scenario is a good practice for this particular task,
1, In ATG scenario, create a price flag for the customer, and all the business logic should be under this flag,
2, If flag is true we need to display the new product, or else we need to display the existing product,
Note: Keep your existing product as it is, and try duplicate the product and add new sku with new price
Another way,
1, Create a targeters, and set for the rules, then you will get a clear cut idea of it,
2, Show the contents(products) based on your business rules
Other way,
You can extend
ItemPriceCalculater will help you out
Please refer this doc path,
I had a chance to change price of a line item, but it needs more work to do,As per my understanding i would say Scenario is a good practice for this particular task,
1, In ATG scenario, create a price flag for the customer, and all the business logic should be under this flag,
2, If flag is true we need to display the new product, or else we need to display the existing product,
Note: Keep your existing product as it is, and try duplicate the product and add new sku with new price
Another way,
1, Create a targeters, and set for the rules, then you will get a clear cut idea of it,
2, Show the contents(products) based on your business rules
Other way,
You can extend
ItemPriceCalculater will help you out
Please refer this doc path,
Hi mate,
I really appreciate your answer! I already had a look in the link that you referred, but I couldn't find a way to add the sales price...
In my scenario, I don't have a specific target or a specific customer to apply de different price. It is something like this:
A Vendor is going to use the ecommerce system do sell by fone (here in Brazil we call this channel as "teleseller"). It is used for people that don't like very much to by online but want something of a specific ecommerce. So they can call and a vendor (a person) can intermediate the whole buying process...
And in my business plan, the vendor can apply a specific price for any product, in the basket page. For example: a toy costs $50.00, and the customer try do bargain for a better price. So vendor can say: "Ok sir, as you are a good customer, we can give you $5.00 off" and the new price for the line item is going to be $45.00.
Do you thing that is possible?
Hi Man,
This is possible, OOTB we have listPrice, salePrice attributes in ProductCatalog, we can use these attributes for changing the price dynamically as per the requirement,
listPrice : Contains the sku price without promotion value,
salePrice : Contains the sku price with promotion value
Here we can use salePrice as customer suggested price,
Use this below method to retrieve sale price, This method comes under ItemSalePriceCalculator, All we need to do is, We need to add the salePrice to the order instead listPrice when the customer agreed,
public void priceItem(ItemPriceInfo pPriceQuote, CommerceItem pItem, RepositoryItem pPricingModel, Locale pLocale, RepositoryItem pProfile, Map pExtraParameters)
throws PricingException
Object priceSource = getPriceSource(pPriceQuote,pItem,
if (onSale(priceSource))
super.priceItem(pPriceQuote, pItem, pPricingModel, pLocale, pProfile, pExtraParameters);
* Returns true if the commerce item to be priced is on sale
protected boolean onSale(Object pPriceSource)
throws PricingException
if (getOnSalePropertyName() != null) {
try {
Object obj = DynamicBeans.getPropertyValue(pPriceSource, getOnSalePropertyName());
if (obj != null)
return ((Boolean)obj).booleanValue();
return false;
catch (ClassCastException exc) {
throw new PricingException(exc);
catch (PropertyNotFoundException exc) {
return false;
else {
return true;
This method will work for sure,
For displaying things, you can use this droplet for reference,
For example:
List price of
List price of
on sale for !
For displaying things you can refer following link :
I guess this will work, If you find any issue's let me know,
Hi Man,
This is possible, OOTB we have listPrice, salePrice attributes in ProductCatalog, we can use these attributes for changing the price dynamically as per the requirement,
listPrice : Contains the sku price without any promotion value,
salePrice : Contains the sku price with promotion value
Here we can use salePrice as customer suggested price,
Use this below method to retrieve sale price, This method comes under ItemSalePriceCalculator, All we need to do is, We need to add the salePrice to the order instead listPrice when the customer agreed,
public void priceItem(ItemPriceInfo pPriceQuote, CommerceItem pItem, RepositoryItem pPricingModel, Locale pLocale, RepositoryItem pProfile, Map pExtraParameters)
throws PricingException
Object priceSource = getPriceSource(pPriceQuote,pItem,
if (onSale(priceSource))
super.priceItem(pPriceQuote, pItem, pPricingModel, pLocale, pProfile, pExtraParameters);
* Returns true if the commerce item to be priced is on sale
protected boolean onSale(Object pPriceSource)
throws PricingException
if (getOnSalePropertyName() != null) {
try {
Object obj = DynamicBeans.getPropertyValue(pPriceSource, getOnSalePropertyName());
if (obj != null)
return ((Boolean)obj).booleanValue();
return false;
catch (ClassCastException exc) {
throw new PricingException(exc);
catch (PropertyNotFoundException exc) {
return false;
else {
return true;
This method will work for sure,
For displaying things, you can use this droplet for reference,
For example:
List price of
List price of
on sale for !
For displaying things you can refer following link :
Hi mate,
Thanks again for your help! I really appreciate your kindness. But I have a question:
- I have to manipulate the "custom" price before add the item in the shopping cart or after?
Hi Man,
You Can manipulate the custom price after the add to cart also,
you can refer this OOTB for reference
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