Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Configuring Return Shipping Addresses : ATG CSC

To configure the shipping address for returns, perform the following steps:

Create a JSP file that contains your shipping address. 

For example:

<ul class="atg_commerce_csr_simpleList">
<li><strong>Ship return items to:</strong></li>
<li>My Company</li>
<li>100 Main Street</li>
<li>My City, My State</li>
<li>My Zip</li>

Open the atg/commerce/custsvc/ui/renderers/ file and provide the location of the new JSP file and the contextRoot variable.

For example:

# This is the default renderer for the returns line item page, default
# renderers will all have their id property set to "default". This
# property is primarily useful in targeting rules.

# The JSP that renders the returns line item

Save the file.

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