Thursday, December 22, 2011

ATG Search Architecture

Objective of the article: is to give a better understanding to a person who is new to this technology.This article will give the reader a walk through on what s/he is going to do and s/he will see once the ATG Search installation is done and also how the entire Search structure pieces fit in.
                      ATG search runs with a standard platform installation.Search requires high performance, so it is better dedicating a seperate machine for the search purposes.
Components of Search Search Administration:
        Is the interface where we create projects, index the data, add content,setting auto indexing rules,deploy indexes etc.We should have only one instance of search administartion in our installation.The SearchAdmin.AdminUI module is required to run the search administration.
Search Engine:
        It serves answers to queries generated by end users.Our installation can have any number of search engines.But make sure only one engine runs per processor.ATG docs say a single search engine can take upto 1.4GB of memory.The “DAF.Search.Routing” module starts the Search engines locally or remotely.It co-ordinates the communication between client application, the search database and the answer servers(search engines).
Search Database:
        Consists of two repositories, one consists of information of search engine,index structure and deployment information.The other repository stores information about users and the search administration. Search engine, administration and routing should have access to the “shared deployment directory“. This directory is the place where the master copy of index files are stored. Search engine and routing should have access to directory in order to deploy the indexes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one... can you post how to install ATG search in our machine, i tried so much times in the end i got so much of errors...please post search installation steps that could be helpful for me.

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