Thursday, August 9, 2012

Purchase Process Services : ATG

ATG Commerce enables you to build sites that support simple or complex purchasing processes. A simple
purchase process might provide customers with a single shopping cart, and enable customers to
purchase products using a single payment method and to ship those products to a single location. In
contrast, a more complex purchase process might include multiple shopping carts, payment methods,
and shipping locations. You can use ATG Commerce to customize a purchase process that fills all the
requirements of your sites.

This post includes information on the following purchase process services:

Loading Orders
Describes the process involved in loading an Order from the Order Repository.
Includes information on how the purchase process manages refreshing Orders.

Modifying Orders
Describes how to modify an Order using the catalogRefId of a CommerceItem or
the ID of a ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship. Includes information on
adding items to an Order, removing items from an Order, and modifying item
quantities in an Order.

Repricing Orders
Describes how to reprice and update an Order using the RepriceOrderDroplet
servlet bean.

Saving Orders
Describes the process involved in saving an Order to the Order Repository.

Canceling Orders
Describes the process involved in deleting an Order from the user’s shopping cart.

Checking Out Orders
Describes the process involved in preparing a simple or complex Order for checkout,
submitting the Order for checkout, and actually checking out the Order.

Processing Payment of Orders
Describes how payment of Orders is processed. Also describes how to extend the
system to support new payment operations and payment methods.

Scheduling Recurring Orders
Describes how to create recurring Orders that automatically submit themselves on a

Setting Restrictions on Orders
Describes how to set restrictions on placing Orders.

Tracking the Shopping Process
Describes how to track stages an Order goes through in the purchase process.

Troubleshooting Order Problems
Provides important information if you have modified the OrderManager and are now
experiencing problems with orders.

Handling Returned Items
Describes how the purchase process handles returned items.

Extending the ATG Commerce Form Handlers

Describes how the ATG Commerce form handlers manage transactions. Also provides
information to assist you when extending them.


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