Monday, January 16, 2012

Importing File Assets with the Repository Loader

You can use the Repository Loader to import file asset metadata into the PublishingFileRepository/ and write the contents of the files to the versioned file system. You can also use the Repository Loader to import file assets into custom versioned repositories used to store content repository assets. In addition to performing the procedures described in the Repository Loader chapter in the ATG Repository Guide, and completing the optional tasks specified below, you must also set up the VersionedLoaderEventListener for a file asset import (see Configuring the VersionedLoaderEventListener).
Manual Imports

When using the Repository Loader to import additional assets manually, remember to specify in the manifest the correct TypeMapping component to use for each file or folder (see Import Initial File Assets). You should always import personalization file assets manually. Personalization assets such as slots and content groups cannot be differentiated by the FileSystemMonitorService because they use the same file extension.
Automatic Imports

When using the Repository Loader to import additional assets automatically via the FileSystemMonitorService, configure the Repository Loader as described in the Repository Loader chapter in the ATG Repository Guide. In this case, make sure that your /atg/epub/file/typemappers/PublishingTypeMapper is a configured instance of class atg.repository.loader.ExtFilterTypeMapper, as described in that chapter. See the Repository Loader Example section in that chapter for an example.

Windows Note: Set the property /atg/epub/file/PublishingFileRepository.pathSeparator to backslash (\) before the import. Afterward, reset the separator to forward slash (/) after performing the import, as required by the VersionManager.
Importing Targeters that Reference Rules Files

Like all personalization assets, targeters are exposed via the /atg/epub/file/ConfigFileSystem in the content development environment and deployed to each VFS at the same Nucleus location in the production environment.

Depending on their implementation, manually created targeters might store their rule sets in separate .rules files. If so, before importing the targeters, you must edit each RuleSetService configuration file in order to expose the .rules files that it references via the ConfigFileSystem. This is also required in order for the .rules file to be deployed along with the RuleSetService to the corresponding ConfigFileSystem in production.

For each targeter that stores its rule set in a separate .rules file, add the following property and setting to the RuleSetService configuration file:


For example:



The property rulesFileSystem specifies the VFS that stores the .rules file, providing the system with a reference to the file via the VFS. Without this configuration change, the file is not exposed properly in the content development environment and is not deployed to the correct asset destination, the ConfigFileSystem.

Note: This step is optional if the rule set is stored in the ruleSet property of the RuleSetService, which is always the case for targeters created via the ATG Control Center.
Configuring Additional TypeMapping Components for the PublishingFileRepository

ATG Content Administration provides a set of TypeMapping components for the default content item descriptors in the PublishingFileRepository, as well as a PublishingTypeMapper component that defines this array of TypeMapping components. These components are located in:


You can configure additional TypeMapping components by extending the PublishingFileRepository to support additional content item descriptors (see Extending the PublishingFileRepository).

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