Thursday, May 22, 2014

Creating a New Pricing Engine : ATG

Creating a New Pricing Engine


If you want to create a new pricing engine that prices Sample costs separately from shipping. You create a SamplePricingEngine that acts independently of the ShippingPricingEngine.

  • Create an interface called SamplePricingEngine that extends PricingEngine.

  • Create an implementation called SamplePricingEngineImpl that extends PricingEngineService.

  • Create a SamplePricingInfo that extends the  atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo price holding class.

  • Create a calculator called SamplePricingCalculator and implementations of it that calculate and discount Sample as your business requires.

  • Modify the Promotions repository definition file (by default, pricingModels.xml). Add an item-descriptor for the Sample discount type and sub-descriptors for the various implementations of the SamplePricingCalculator that you created.

  • Create properties files for the SamplePricingEngine and each of the calculators.

  • Your engine is ready for use. You may also want to add preCalculators that calculate the base cost of Sample.

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