Saturday, March 24, 2012

ATG ClientLockManager

For each SQL repository that contains any item descriptors with cache-mode="locked", you must set the lockManager property of the Repository component to refer to a ClientLockManager. ATG comes configured with a default client lock manager, which you can use for most purposes:


When you first install the ATG platform, the ClientLockManager component has its useLockServer property set to false, which disables use of the lock server. In order to use locked mode repository caching, you must set this property to true. This setting is included in the ATG platform liveconfig configuration layer, so you can set the useLockServer property by adding the liveconfig configuration layer to the environment for all your ATG servers. You must also set the lockServerPort and lockServerAddress properties to match the port and host of your ServerLockManagers components. For example, suppose you have two ServerLockManagers, one running on host tartini and port 9010 and the other running on host corelli and port 9010. You would configure the ClientLockManager like this:





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