Wednesday, October 7, 2015

RMI Over SSL in ATG Platform Configuration



Use this component for RMI over SSL configuration /atg/dynamo/service/socket/SSLRMISocketFactory

Enable RMI Over SSL:

set the RMISocketFactory property of the /atg/dynamo/server/RmiInitialization component to point to the SSLRMISocketFactory component

eg: RMISocketFactory=/atg/dynamo/service/socket/SSLRMISocketFactory

Configuring Keys and Certificates:

1. Go to your ATGDir\home directory.

2. Use the keytool utility to export the Oracle ATG Web Commerce certificate:

keytool -export -alias atgkey –keystore ..\DAS\keystore\atg-ssl.jks
-rfc –file ..\DAS\keystore\atg-ssl.cer

3. Enter atgkey when prompted for the key store password:

Enter password name: atgkey
Certificate stored in file <..\das\keystore\atg-ssl.cer>

4. Now import the Oracle ATG Web Commerce certificate:

keytool -import -alias atgcert -file ..\DAS\keystore\atg-ssl.cer -keystore

The key tool utility displays information about the certificate:

5. Owner: CN=Snorthog, OU=Dynamo, O=Art Techonology Group, L=Cambridge,
Issuer: CN=Snorthog, OU=Dynamo, O=Art Techonology Group, L=Cambridge,
Serial number: 3eef2fc2
Valid from: Tue Jun 17 11:12:02 EDT 2003 until: Thu May 04 14:50:08
EDT 2006
Certificate fingerprints:
         MD5:  95:0E:9A:3A:D7:C9:A6:CA:73:B5:CA:C0:44:DB:E0:1E
         SHA1: 32:38:3C:AD:57:BB:59:B7:9C:91:A3:79:03:56:9E:96:44:37:20:4C

6. Answer yes when prompted whether to trust the certificate:

Trust this certificate? [no]: yes
Certificate was added to keystore

Generating a New Certificate on Production Environment:

We can use the keytool utility to generate a new private key and public key, and wrap the public key into a new self-signed certificate.

1. Configure the /atg/dynamo/security/BasicSSLConfiguration component on each server.

2. You must set the keyStore and trustStore properties to point to your new key store and trust store file locations. You must also set the keyStorePassword and trustStorePassword properties to the values that you used when creating the key store and trust store.

Note: Use the JDK keytool utility with the –genkey flag to generate a new self-signed certificate that wraps the public key.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

LDAPConnection - CommunicationException: someUrl.domain:389 : ATG

LDAPConnection - CommunicationException: someUrl.domain:389


GoTo ==> <ATGDir>\DAS\LDAP\MicrosoftActiveDirectory\config\atg\dynamo\security

Edit providerURL=ldap://someUrl.domain:389 to ldap://localhost:389


# @version $Id: //product/DAS/version/11.1/release/DAS/LDAP/MicrosoftActiveDirectory/config/atg/dynamo/security/ $$Change: 875535 $

# URL of the LDAP server

# Authentication mechanism for the provider to use. Possible 
# values are:
#   CRAM-MD5 - use the CRAM-MD5 (RFC-2195) SASL mechanism
#   none     - use no authentication (anonymous)
#   simple   - use weak authentication (cleartext password)

# The identity of the principal to be authenticated, in form 
# of a distinguished name.

# The credentials of the principal to be authenticated.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Creating Endeca Discover Application For Beginners : Endeca

Create Discover App:

1.   Go To => C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\3.1.1\deployment_template\bin

2.   Open Command Prompt from the above location,

3.   Note: deploy.bat file will call file from ToolAndFrameworks lib folder

4.   Note: file will allow the system to call respective variable for creating new app

5.   Follow the below steps:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\3.1.1\deployment_template\bin>deploy.bat --app C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\3.1.1\reference\discover-data\deploy.xml


   Found version 6.1 of the Endeca IAP installed in directory

   C:\Endeca\PlatformServices\6.1.3. If either the version or location are
   incorrect, type 'Q' to quit and adjust your ENDECA_ROOT environment variable.
   Press enter to continue with these settings.



     Deployment Template installation script.

     This script creates the directory structure for your
     deployment and installs configuration files and scripts
     into the directory structure.

05/05/2015 12:11:57 [] INFO:  Starting deployment template


   The following app modules were specified on the command line argument:


   Modules may be deployed standalone or on top of a base deployment type. Do
   you want to install a base deployment with the specified module(s)?

    Install base deployment? [Y/N]:   Y

05/05/2015 12:12:05 [AppDescriptorReader] INFO:  Parsing application descriptor
   file C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\3.1.1\reference\discover-data\deploy.xml.
05/05/2015 12:12:05 [AppDescriptorReader] INFO:  Parsing application descriptor



   Enter a short name for your application.

   Note: The name must conform to this regular expression: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$
    [default: Discover]

   Choosing a different application name may require additional configuration on
   your web application.

   Application name:  lifestyle


   Specify the path into which the application will be deployed. The specified
   directory must exist and cannot contain spaces.

   For example, to deploy into c:\apps\lifestyle, specify the path as c:\apps.

   Deployment directory: C:\Endeca\Apps


   Specify the port on which the Endeca Application Controller is running. This
   is configured in the server.xml file in the workspace of the Endeca software
   install and should be the same for all applications deployed in this
   environment. Ports must be in the range 1024-65535 [default: 8888].

   EAC port:  8888

05/05/2015 12:12:46 [] INFO:  Deploying application into


   What port is the Workbench running? [Default: 8006]



Note: I have another app running on 15000 Port. In this app i am using 18000 port


   What port should be used for the Live Dgraph? [Default: 15000]



   What port should be used for the Authoring Dgraph? [Default: 15002]



   What port should be used for LogServer? [Default: 15010]


05/05/2015 12:13:25 [AppDescriptorReader] INFO:  Parsing application descriptor
05/05/2015 12:13:25 [] INFO:  Processing install with id 'Dgraph'
05/05/2015 12:13:27 [AppDescriptorReader] INFO:  Parsing application descriptor
   file C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\3.1.1\reference\discover-data\deploy.xml.
05/05/2015 12:13:27 [] INFO:  Processing install with id
05/05/2015 12:13:30 [] INFO:  Application successfully deployed.


Note: Verify our new app will be created under C:/Endeca/Apps folder. if it is created. then we are successfully created the new app.

Run Initial_Services.bat

Setting EAC provisioning and performing initial setup...
[05.05.15 12:17:51] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[05.05.15 12:17:51] INFO: Setting definition for application 'lifestyle'.
[05.05.15 12:17:52] INFO: Setting definition for host 'AuthoringMDEXHost'.
[05.05.15 12:17:52] INFO: Setting definition for host 'LiveMDEXHostA'.
[05.05.15 12:17:53] INFO: Setting definition for host 'ReportGenerationHost'.
[05.05.15 12:17:53] INFO: Setting definition for host 'WorkbenchHost'.
[05.05.15 12:17:53] INFO: Setting definition for host 'ITLHost'.
[05.05.15 12:17:53] INFO: Setting definition for component 'AuthoringDgraph'.
[05.05.15 12:17:53] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-dgidx-output'.
[05.05.15 12:17:57] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-partials-forge-output'.
[05.05.15 12:17:58] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-partials-cumulative-partials'.
[05.05.15 12:17:59] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-workbench-dgraph-config'.
[05.05.15 12:18:01] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-dgraphs-local-dgraph-input'.
[05.05.15 12:18:02] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-dgraphs-local-cumulative-partials'.
[05.05.15 12:18:03] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-dgraphs-local-dgraph-config'.
[05.05.15 12:18:04] INFO: Setting definition for component 'DgraphA1'.
[05.05.15 12:18:05] INFO: Setting definition for script 'PromoteAuthoringToLive'.
[05.05.15 12:18:05] INFO: Setting definition for custom component 'WorkbenchManager'.
[05.05.15 12:18:05] INFO: Updating provisioning for host 'ITLHost'.
[05.05.15 12:18:05] INFO: Updating definition for host 'ITLHost'.
[05.05.15 12:18:05] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-'.
[05.05.15 12:18:07] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-workbench-temp'.
[05.05.15 12:18:08] INFO: Setting definition for custom component 'IFCR'.
[05.05.15 12:18:08] INFO: Updating provisioning for host 'ITLHost'.
[05.05.15 12:18:08] INFO: Updating definition for host 'ITLHost'.
[05.05.15 12:18:08] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-'.
[05.05.15 12:18:10] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-'.
[05.05.15 12:18:11] INFO: Setting definition for component 'LogServer'.
[05.05.15 12:18:11] INFO: [ReportGenerationHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-reports-input'.
[05.05.15 12:18:13] INFO: Setting definition for script 'DaySoFarReports'.
[05.05.15 12:18:13] INFO: Setting definition for script 'DailyReports'.
[05.05.15 12:18:13] INFO: Setting definition for script 'WeeklyReports'.
[05.05.15 12:18:13] INFO: Setting definition for script 'DaySoFarHtmlReports'.
[05.05.15 12:18:14] INFO: Setting definition for script 'DailyHtmlReports'.
[05.05.15 12:18:14] INFO: Setting definition for script 'WeeklyHtmlReports'.
[05.05.15 12:18:14] INFO: Setting definition for component 'WeeklyReportGenerator'.
[05.05.15 12:18:14] INFO: Setting definition for component 'DailyReportGenerator'.
[05.05.15 12:18:20] INFO: Setting definition for component 'DaySoFarReportGenerator'.
[05.05.15 12:18:20] INFO: Setting definition for component 'WeeklyHtmlReportGenerator'.
[05.05.15 12:18:21] INFO: Setting definition for component 'DailyHtmlReportGenerator'.
[05.05.15 12:18:21] INFO: Setting definition for component 'DaySoFarHtmlReportGenerator'.
[05.05.15 12:18:21] INFO: Setting definition for script 'BaselineUpdate'.
[05.05.15 12:18:21] INFO: Setting definition for script 'PartialUpdate'.
[05.05.15 12:18:21] INFO: Setting definition for component 'Forge'.
[05.05.15 12:18:22] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-incoming'.
[05.05.15 12:18:23] INFO: Setting definition for component 'PartialForge'.
[05.05.15 12:18:23] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-partials-incoming'.
[05.05.15 12:18:25] INFO: Setting definition for component 'Dgidx'.
[05.05.15 12:18:25] INFO: Definition updated.
[05.05.15 12:18:25] INFO: Provisioning site from prototype...
[05.05.15 12:18:26] INFO: Finished provisioning site from prototype.
[05.05.15 12:18:26] INFO: Uploading config files to Workbench.
[05.05.15 12:18:26] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'emgr_update_update_mgr_settings'.
[05.05.15 12:18:36] INFO: Finished uploading config files to Workbench.
Finished updating EAC.
Importing sample content...
[05.05.15 12:18:37] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[05.05.15 12:18:37] INFO: Definition has not changed.
[05.05.15 12:18:38] INFO: Packaging contents for upload...
[05.05.15 12:18:38] INFO: Finished packaging contents.
[05.05.15 12:18:38] INFO: Uploading contents to: http://ADMINIB-EAOPVNR:8006/ifcr/sites/lifestyle/
[05.05.15 12:18:39] INFO: Finished uploading contents.
[05.05.15 12:18:40] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[05.05.15 12:18:41] INFO: Definition has not changed.
[05.05.15 12:18:41] INFO: Packaging contents for upload...
[05.05.15 12:18:41] INFO: Finished packaging contents.
[05.05.15 12:18:41] INFO: Uploading contents to: http://ADMINIB-EAOPVNR:8006/ifcr/sites/lifestyle/content
[05.05.15 12:18:42] INFO: Finished uploading contents.
[05.05.15 12:18:43] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[05.05.15 12:18:44] INFO: Definition has not changed.
[05.05.15 12:18:44] INFO: Packaging contents for upload...
[05.05.15 12:18:44] INFO: Finished packaging contents.
[05.05.15 12:18:44] INFO: Uploading contents to: http://ADMINIB-EAOPVNR:8006/ifcr/sites/lifestyle/pages
[05.05.15 12:18:44] INFO: Finished uploading contents.
Finished importing sample content
Importing editors configuration...
[05.05.15 12:18:45] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[05.05.15 12:18:46] INFO: Definition has not changed.
[05.05.15 12:18:46] INFO: Packaging contents for upload...
[05.05.15 12:18:46] INFO: Finished packaging contents.
[05.05.15 12:18:46] INFO: Uploading contents to: http://ADMINIB-EAOPVNR:8006/ifcr/sites/lifestyle/configuration/tools/xmgr
[05.05.15 12:18:46] INFO: Finished uploading contents.
Finished importing editors configuration
Importing media...
[05.05.15 12:18:47] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[05.05.15 12:18:47] INFO: Definition has not changed.
[05.05.15 12:18:47] INFO: Packaging contents for upload...
[05.05.15 12:18:48] INFO: Finished packaging contents.
[05.05.15 12:18:48] INFO: Uploading contents to: http://ADMINIB-EAOPVNR:8006/ifcr/sites/lifestyle/media
[05.05.15 12:18:49] INFO: Finished uploading contents.
Finished importing media
Importing templates...
Removing existing cartridge templates for lifestyle
Setting new cartridge templates for lifestyle
Finished setting templates
Finished importing templates

Run load_baseline_test_data.bat


        1 file(s) copied.
Setting flag 'baseline_data_ready' in the EAC.

Run baseline_update.bat

[05.06.15 01:11:14] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[05.06.15 01:11:15] INFO: Updating provisioning for component 'DailyReportGenerator'.
[05.06.15 01:11:15] INFO: Updating definition for component 'DailyReportGenerator'.
[05.06.15 01:11:15] INFO: Definition updated.
[05.06.15 01:11:15] INFO: Starting baseline update script.
[05.06.15 01:11:15] INFO: Acquired lock 'update_lock'.
[05.06.15 01:11:15] WARNING: Baseline data not ready for processing.
[05.06.15 01:11:15] INFO: Released lock 'update_lock'.
[05.06.15 01:11:15] INFO: Baseline update script finished.

Run promote_content.bat

[05.06.15 01:11:55] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[05.06.15 01:11:56] INFO: Definition has not changed.
[05.06.15 01:11:56] INFO: Promoting IFCR content...
[05.06.15 01:11:58] INFO: Finished promoting IFCR content.

Final Step:

Verify lifeStyle in Endeca Workbench by accessing below URL


Also check access your lifestyle application by accessing below URL


Thats It.

Endeca Issues When creating Any App:

Some times when you are trying to execute baseline_update.bat,  you may face below issues.


[05.05.15 12:19:45] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[05.05.15 12:19:45] INFO: Definition has not changed.
[05.05.15 12:19:45] INFO: Starting baseline update script.
[05.05.15 12:19:45] INFO: Acquired lock 'update_lock'.
[05.05.15 12:19:46] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'move_-_to_processing'.
[05.05.15 12:19:47] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting copy utility 'fetch_config_to_input_for_forge_Forge'.
[05.05.15 12:19:48] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting backup utility 'backup_log_dir_for_component_Forge'.
[05.05.15 12:19:49] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting component 'Forge'.
[05.05.15 12:19:54] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting backup utility 'backup_log_dir_for_component_Dgidx'.
[05.05.15 12:19:55] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting component 'Dgidx'.
[05.05.15 12:20:01] SEVERE: Batch component  'Dgidx' failed. Refer to component logs in C:\Endeca\Apps\lifestyle\config\script\..\..\.\logs\dgidxs\Dgi
dx on host ITLHost.
Occurred while executing line 25 of valid BeanShell script:

22|        Forge.archiveLogDir();
24|        Dgidx.archiveLogDir();
27|        // distributed index, update Dgraphs


[05.05.15 12:20:01] SEVERE: Caught an exception while invoking method 'run' on object 'BaselineUpdate'. Releasing locks.

Caused by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl invoke0 - null
Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.AppControlException
com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.script.Script runBeanShellScript - Error executing valid BeanShell script.
Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.EacComponentControlException
com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.component.BatchComponent run - Batch component  'Dgidx' failed. Refer to component logs in C:\Endeca\Apps\lifestyle\conf
ig\script\..\..\.\logs\dgidxs\Dgidx on host ITLHost.

[05.05.15 12:20:01] INFO: Released lock 'update_lock'.


1. This issue will occur only when your Mdex Engine is not started properly.

Go to Windows ==> Run ==> Type "Services.msc"

And Start/Restart Endeca Mdex will resolve this issue.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Creating Endeca App Using CRS For Beginners : Endeca

Create Endeca App:

1.   Go To => C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\3.1.1\deployment_template\bin

2.   Open Command Prompt from the above location,

3.   Note: deploy.bat file will call file from ToolAndFrameworks lib folder

4.   Note: file will allow the system to call respective variable for creating new app

5.   Follow the below steps:

C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\3.1.1\deployment_template\bin>deploy.bat --app C:\ATG\ATG10.1.2\CommerceReferenceStore\Store\Storefront\deploy\deploy.xml

   Found version 6.1 of the Endeca IAP installed in directory

   C:\Endeca\PlatformServices\6.1.3. If either the version or location are
   incorrect, type 'Q' to quit and adjust your ENDECA_ROOT environment variable.
   Press enter to continue with these settings.


     Deployment Template installation script.

     This script creates the directory structure for your
     deployment and installs configuration files and scripts
     into the directory structure.

05/01/2015 00:50:05 [] INFO:  Starting deployment template

   The following app modules were specified on the command line argument:


   Modules may be deployed standalone or on top of a base deployment type. Do
   you want to install a base deployment with the specified module(s)?

   Install base deployment? [Y/N]:   Y
05/01/2015 00:50:09 [AppDescriptorReader] INFO:  Parsing application descriptor
05/01/2015 00:50:09 [AppDescriptorReader] INFO:  Parsing application descriptor


   Enter a short name for your application.

   Note: The name must conform to this regular expression: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$
    [default: CRS]

   Choosing a different application name may require additional configuration on
   your web application.

   Application name:  MyNewApp

   Specify the path into which the application will be deployed. The specified
   directory must exist and cannot contain spaces.

   For example, to deploy into c:\apps\MyNewApp, specify the path as c:\apps.

   Deployment directory:  C:\Endeca\Apps

   Specify the port on which the Endeca Application Controller is running. This
   is configured in the server.xml file in the workspace of the Endeca software
   install and should be the same for all applications deployed in this
   environment. Ports must be in the range 1024-65535 [default: 8888].

    EAC port:  8888
05/01/2015 00:50:38 [] INFO:  Deploying application into

   Please enter the CAS install directory using Unix-style forward slashes,
   including the version number (e.g. C:/Endeca/CAS/3.1.1).


   Please enter the version for CAS jar files (or hit 'enter' to use the
   default).  [Default: 3.1.1]


   Please enter the hostname where CAS is running (or hit 'enter' to use the
   default). [Default: localhost]


   Please enter the port where CAS is running (or hit 'enter' to use the
   default). [Default: 8500]


   Please enter the language code to use (or hit 'enter' to use the default).
   [Default: en]


   Please enter the hostname of the Workbench.


   Please enter the preview host name. [Default: localhost]


   Please enter the preview port number. Typical values are 7003 for WebLogic,
   8080 for JBoss and Tomcat, and 9080 for WebSphere.


   Please enter the context root of the preview application. [Default: crs]


   What port is the Workbench running? [Default: 8006]


   What port should be used for the Live Dgraph? [Default: 15000]


   What port should be used for the Authoring Dgraph? [Default: 15002]


   What port should be used for LogServer? [Default: 15010]


05/01/2015 00:51:35 [AppDescriptorReader] INFO:  Parsing application descriptor
05/01/2015 00:51:36 [] INFO:  Processing install with id 'Dgraph'
05/01/2015 00:51:37 [AppDescriptorReader] INFO:  Parsing application descriptor
05/01/2015 00:51:37 [] INFO:  Processing install with id 'CRSApp'
05/01/2015 00:51:38 [] INFO:  Application successfully deployed.


Note: Verify our new app will be created under C:/Endeca/Apps folder. if it is created. then we are successfully created the new app.

Run Initial_Services.bat

After Completion of new app creation. We must run initial_services,bat file to initialize all the services for the newly created app. Follow the below steps,

1.  Go To =>  C:\Endeca\Apps\MyNewApp\control folder

2.  Open the Command Prompt

3.  Enter C:\Endeca\Apps\MyNewApp\control\initialize_services.bat

4.  Check the Command Prompt log whether agraph, dgraph are created or not.

5.  Find below the log details

C:\Endeca\Apps\MyNewApp\control> initialize_services.bat

Setting EAC provisioning and performing initial setup...
[05.01.15 01:30:28] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[05.01.15 01:30:28] INFO: Setting definition for application 'MyNewApp'.
[05.01.15 01:30:30] INFO: Setting definition for host 'AuthoringMDEXHost'.
[05.01.15 01:30:30] INFO: Setting definition for host 'LiveMDEXHostA'.
[05.01.15 01:30:30] INFO: Setting definition for host 'ReportGenerationHost'.
[05.01.15 01:30:30] INFO: Setting definition for host 'WorkbenchHost'.
[05.01.15 01:30:31] INFO: Setting definition for host 'ITLHost'.
[05.01.15 01:30:31] INFO: Setting definition for component 'AuthoringDgraph'.
[05.01.15 01:30:33] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-dgidx-output'.
[05.01.15 01:30:35] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-partials-forge-output'.
[05.01.15 01:30:36] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-partials-cumulative-partials'.
[05.01.15 01:30:37] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-workbench-dgraph-config'.
[05.01.15 01:30:38] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-dgraphs-local-dgraph-input'.
[05.01.15 01:30:39] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-dgraphs-local-cumulative-partials'.
[05.01.15 01:30:41] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-dgraphs-local-dgraph-config'.
[05.01.15 01:30:42] INFO: Setting definition for component 'DgraphA1'.
[05.01.15 01:30:42] INFO: Setting definition for script 'PromoteAuthoringToLive'.
[05.01.15 01:30:42] INFO: Setting definition for custom component 'WorkbenchManager'.
[05.01.15 01:30:43] INFO: Updating provisioning for host 'ITLHost'.
[05.01.15 01:30:43] INFO: Updating definition for host 'ITLHost'.
[05.01.15 01:30:43] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-'.
[05.01.15 01:30:44] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-workbench-temp'.
[05.01.15 01:30:45] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-processing'.
[05.01.15 01:30:47] INFO: Setting definition for custom component 'IFCR'.
[05.01.15 01:30:47] INFO: Updating provisioning for host 'ITLHost'.
[05.01.15 01:30:47] INFO: Updating definition for host 'ITLHost'.
[05.01.15 01:30:47] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-'.
[05.01.15 01:30:49] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-'.
[05.01.15 01:30:50] INFO: Setting definition for component 'LogServer'.
[05.01.15 01:30:50] INFO: [ReportGenerationHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-reports-input'.
[05.01.15 01:30:51] INFO: Setting definition for script 'DaySoFarReports'.
[05.01.15 01:30:51] INFO: Setting definition for script 'DailyReports'.
[05.01.15 01:30:52] INFO: Setting definition for script 'WeeklyReports'.
[05.01.15 01:30:52] INFO: Setting definition for script 'DaySoFarHtmlReports'.
[05.01.15 01:30:52] INFO: Setting definition for script 'DailyHtmlReports'.
[05.01.15 01:30:52] INFO: Setting definition for script 'WeeklyHtmlReports'.
[05.01.15 01:30:52] INFO: Setting definition for component 'WeeklyReportGenerator'.
[05.01.15 01:30:52] INFO: Setting definition for component 'DailyReportGenerator'.
[05.01.15 01:30:53] INFO: Setting definition for component 'DaySoFarReportGenerator'.
[05.01.15 01:30:53] INFO: Setting definition for component 'WeeklyHtmlReportGenerator'.
[05.01.15 01:30:53] INFO: Setting definition for component 'DailyHtmlReportGenerator'.
[05.01.15 01:30:54] INFO: Setting definition for component 'DaySoFarHtmlReportGenerator'.
[05.01.15 01:30:54] INFO: Setting definition for script 'BaselineUpdate'.
[05.01.15 01:30:54] INFO: Setting definition for script 'PartialUpdate'.
[05.01.15 01:30:54] INFO: Setting definition for component 'ConfigurationGeneratorForge'.
[05.01.15 01:30:54] INFO: Setting definition for component 'Forge'.
[05.01.15 01:30:55] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-incoming'.
[05.01.15 01:30:56] INFO: Setting definition for component 'PartialForge'.
[05.01.15 01:30:57] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_-data-partials-incoming'.
[05.01.15 01:30:59] INFO: Setting definition for component 'Dgidx'.
[05.01.15 01:30:59] INFO: Definition updated.
[05.01.15 01:30:59] INFO: Provisioning site from prototype...
[05.01.15 01:31:02] INFO: Finished provisioning site from prototype.
Finished updating EAC.
Initializing record stores...
These record stores exist:
NAME            TYPE            STATUS
CRS_en_schema   RecordStore     RUNNING
CRS_en_dimvals  RecordStore     RUNNING
CRS_en_prules   RecordStore     RUNNING
CRS_en_data     RecordStore     RUNNING
Dropping old record stores (errors will occur on non-existent rs):
Error during execution (check log for more info): Component instance not found: MyNewApp_en_schema
Error during execution (check log for more info): Component instance not found: MyNewApp_en_dimvals
Error during execution (check log for more info): Component instance not found: MyNewApp_en_prules
Error during execution (check log for more info): Component instance not found: MyNewApp_en_data
Creating fresh record stores:
Successfully created component: MyNewApp_en_schema
Successfully created component: MyNewApp_en_dimvals
Successfully created component: MyNewApp_en_prules
Successfully created component: MyNewApp_en_data
Deploying rs configs:
Successfully set recordstore configuration.
Successfully set recordstore configuration.
Successfully set recordstore configuration.
Successfully set recordstore configuration.
Finished initializing record stores
Importing sample content...
[05.01.15 01:31:52] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[05.01.15 01:31:53] INFO: Definition has not changed.
[05.01.15 01:31:53] INFO: Packaging contents for upload...
[05.01.15 01:31:53] INFO: Finished packaging contents.
[05.01.15 01:31:53] INFO: Uploading contents to: http://localhost:8006/ifcr/sites/MyNewApp/
[05.01.15 01:31:54] INFO: Finished uploading contents.
Finished importing sample content
Importing media...
Finished importing media
Importing editors configuration...
[05.01.15 01:31:56] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[05.01.15 01:31:57] INFO: Definition has not changed.
[05.01.15 01:31:57] INFO: Packaging contents for upload...
[05.01.15 01:31:57] INFO: Finished packaging contents.
[05.01.15 01:31:57] INFO: Uploading contents to: http://localhost:8006/ifcr/sites/MyNewApp/configuration/tools/xmgr
[05.01.15 01:31:57] INFO: Finished uploading contents.
Finished importing editors configuration
Importing templates...
Removing existing cartridge templates for MyNewApp
Setting new cartridge templates for MyNewApp
Finished setting templates
Finished importing templates

Final Step:

Verify MyNewApp in Endeca Workbench by accessing below URL


Endeca Workbench

Thats it: Endeca App Created successfully, Follow these methods for any new app

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How To Make Product Catalog To Use PriceLists : ATG

Product Catalog To Use PriceLists

Oracle ATG Web Commerce includes a tool that can be used to convert your existing product catalog without price lists so that it can use price lists.

The PriceListMigration component first creates two price lists: 

1. list price,
2. sales price.

For each SKU in the product catalog, the PriceListMigration component creates a price that points to the list price list and sets its list price as the SKU’s list price. If the onSale property for the SKU is true, it creates another price that points to the sales price list and set its list price as the SKU’s salePrice.

How to use the PriceListMigration component:

1. Run the price list SQL script against your catalog database. This script can be found at:


2. Start the /atg/commerce/pricing/priceLists/PriceListMigration component.

3. Open the component editor for the PriceListMigration component. Invoke the runMigration method from the methods tab in the component editor.


The ATG Control Center allows users to create, edit, and delete price lists. When a user attempts to view or edit a price list, the security system checks the security information associated with the object and grants or denies access based on the information.

For example, if a user does not have write access to a particular item, then the ACC will display the item in gray characters. Additionally, certain objects might not be visible to certain users.

Based on these criteria's we need to follow on when doing PriceListMigration, so that security policies cannot be overridden.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

How to Configure/Integrate Spring Framework with ATG


Spring is a framework (open source). More important thing here is ATG accepts spring based application which can be integrate along with ATG modules. Spring framework providing the way to establish its mechanism to ATG with the help of nucleus based approach. Spring is based on JavaBeans as like as Nucleus.

Steps to start with:

1. Create a spring framework entry in web.xml which is available in our ATG projects, 


a) DispatcherServlet act as controller and it is a bridge between ATG and Spring components

2. Make sure our pageFilter has a entry for spring under <filter-mapping>


a) DAF pipeline will take care of rest of the process.

3. We should use Two OOTB ATG Classes for this spring integration

a) NucleusResolverUtil:

It contains a single static resolveName method. which attempts to resolve the specified Nucleus path. Since Spring is unaware of Nucleus component scope. 
It will check resolve name on current request, if it is fails then in next attempt it will resolve the name in the global Nucleus scope.

To make a Nucleus component available in Spring, you declare it in your Spring configuration XML file. For example, to resolve the current user profile as a Spring component:
<bean name="/Profile" class="atg.nucleus.spring.NucleusResolverUtil"
    factory-method="resolveName" singleton="false">
  <constructor-arg value="/atg/userprofiling/Profile"/>
a) singleton="false" : Profile is a session based component. only global scope component will be specified as singleton="true", request and session component should be specified as  

b) NucleusPublisher:

The NucleusPublisher class publishing a Spring configuration to nucleus path.

<bean name="/NucleusPublisher" class="atg.nucleus.spring.NucleusPublisher"
  <property name="nucleusPath">

4. We have to add springtonucleus.jar

Path: <ATGDir>/DAF/spring/lib/springtonucleus.jar. 

a) NucleusPublisher requires access to the Spring classes, so the springtonucleus.jar must be added to the WEB-INF/lib

5. Now you can check your application

Friday, January 30, 2015

System Level Deployment Error : ATG BCC

System Level Deployment Error:

Note: These error will occur because of data issues, try to deploy your project with valid assets, If not these kind of exception will occur,

1. Temporarily how to skip this issue on deployment:  Goto DeploymentManager Component in ACC and make "ErrorLevel" to some number, Above    screen shot I had issues with many asserts which causes 11 errors. To skip these errors i set "ErrorLevel" as 11,

2. Once you sets the "ErrorLevel" on DeploymentManager  It will skip 11 errors in the deployment, and then it will resume the deployment as soon as possible,

3. This is not a good practice to follow up, but still you can use it if there is some critical scenario where your application requires that particular deployment to be happen

4. Always start your deployment with valid assets,

5. On the other side these issues will arise because of your publishing server not started properly also, Check the log before trying above steps. 

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