Monday, November 26, 2012

Creating a Rule Set for a Profile Group that Includes Roles: ATG

Creating a Rule Set for a Profile Group that Includes Roles:

You can use global and organizational roles to define membership of a profile group. For example, you can create a profile group that includes anyone assigned the global role “administrator.” You can then use that profile group within a content targeter, effectively allowing you to deliver personalized content according to the role of the person viewing the page.

The following example shows a rule set for a profile group that includes a global role named admin.

<rule op="includesItem">
   <valueof target="roles">
        <rule op="or">
           <rule op="and">
               <rule op="equals">
                   <valueof target="name">
                   <valueof constant="admin">
               <rule op="equals">
                  <valueof target="type">
                  <valueof constant="role">

The <value of target="type"> setting determines whether the role is global or organizational, allowing the Personalization module to distinguish between a global role and an organizational role that have the same name.

Note: If you want to use global roles within rule sets, as shown above, all global role names must be unique.

The same restriction does not apply to organizational roles, which need to be unique only within their organization.

The following example shows a rule set for a profile group that includes an organizational (relative) role named buyer. This role belongs to an organization named MyCompany.

<rule op="includesItem">
   <valueof target="roles">
        <rule op="or">
            <rule op="and">
                  <rule op="eq">
                    <valueof target="name">
                    <valueof constant="buyer">
                  <rule op="eq">
                    <valueof target="">
                    <valueof constant="MyCompany">

Note also that you can create profile groups that include roles by using the Targeting > Profile Groups window in the ACC. However, the ACC supports the creation of <rule op=or> rules only; in other words, if you create a profile group that includes people assigned to Role A and Role B, everyone assigned either role will be a member of the profile group. If you want to create rules that use other operators, for example, <rule op=and>, write the rule by hand as described in this chapter. See Rule Tag Operations for more information.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Important Terminology's In BCC : ATG

Terminology's In BCC:


Assets are persistent, publishable objects that are used by one or more ATG applications. ATG Content Administration supports two kinds of assets:

1.A repository asset is created and edited in the ACC or the ATG Business Control Center and is deployed as a repository item.

2.A file asset is created in the ATG Business Control Center or an external application such as Word or Excel and is deployed as a file to the target server.

If a file asset is created in an external application, you can upload the file into ATG Content Administration. Users can edit the item either through the ATG Business Control Center or by downloading the file, changing it and uploading the file again.


A project is a persistent entity that encompasses additions, changes and deletions to a set of assets. Each project moves independently through a workflow that typically includes these tasks:

1.Author or revise asset content

2.Review content changes

3.Approve the project for deployment

4.Verify deployment

Project objects are defined by the project item-descriptor in the publishing.xml repository definition file, located in:


Project Workflow:

Project Workflows define and control the user tasks that make up a project and modify its state. Project workflows also define actions that are triggered by state changes, such as workspace check-in, email notification, and tagging of versions for deployment


A process is the parent object of a Project Workflow.

Process objects are defined by the process item-descriptor in the publishing.xml repository definition file.


Content Administration maintains versions of all assets, to ensure that the latest changes are deployed to target sites, and to coordinate multi-user access to the same asset.


A task is a step in a workflow, such as Author, Review, or Deploy


ATG Content Administration defines a deployment model that incorporates server clusters for development, staging, and production. You can modify the workflow that is provided with ATG Content Administration so its deployment process suits your specific requirements. For example, you can deploy to several servers at the same time; or you can define staged deployments in a staging/production workflow, which lets you review assets on a staging server before deploying them to production and checking them in.

PWS 2.0 Tag Library : ATG BCC

PWS 2.0 Tag Library 

The PWS 2.0 tag library contains a core set of tags that let you access ATG Content Administration-related Nucleus components in JSPs. By default these tags use the pws prefix, such as pws:getAsset, although you can use any prefix you like. All tags in this library support JSP 2.0 technology and are enabled to use the Expression Language (EL).

The tag library source and definition files are included in your ATG installation at the following location:


For code samples that use these tags, see:


The PWS Tag Library includes the following tags:

Determines whether a user can perform a workflow task.

Organizes objects based on categories and properties.

Accesses the URI for the VersionManager used by a particular asset.

Modifies a text string by removing HTML formatting, adding text, and/or shortening the string length.

Locates an asset using its URI.

Assembles a list of the users who are permitted to execute a workflow task.

Accesses the current project ID.

Finds projects that have dependence on each other.

Locates all projects deployed to a particular target site.

Accesses a deployment item using a deployment ID

Creates a list of deployment IDs for a given target site.

Locates all subtypes for a particular asset type.

Accesses an asset that is filling a placeholder

Accesses a process using a process ID.

Creates a list of process IDs that have a certain status.

Accesses a project using a project ID.

Locates assets in a given project.

Creates a list of project IDs that have a certain status.

Creates a list of projects that have are not deployed despite the appearance of being deployment-ready.

Accesses a target site via its ID.

Creates a list of target IDs.

Creates a list of tasks based on the criteria you specify.

Creates a list of unfilled placeholders for a given process.

Creates a list of asset types defined to work with the VersionManager.

Accesses all workflow definition files.

Finds the workflow descriptor used by a particular process.

View Mapping Tables : ATG BCC

View Mapping Tables

vmap_im : 
Contains information about an item.

vmap_fh :
Contains information about form handlers associated with view mapping.

vmap_mode : 
Contains information about view mapping modes.

vmap_ivm :
Contains information about item views.

vmap_im2ivm_re : 
Contains information about item mappings and associated item view mappings.l

vmap_iv : 
Contains information about an item view.

vmap_pv : 
Contains information about property views.

vmap_ivm2pvm_rel :
Contains information about item view mappings and associated property view mappings.

vmap_pvm : 
Contains information about property view mappers.

vmap_attrval : 
Contains information about an attribute value.

vmap_attrval_rel : 
Contains information about mapping items and associated attribute value items.

vmap_cattrval_rel : 
Contains information about mapping items and associated component attribute value items.

vmap_iv2ivad_rel :
Contains information about item views and associated item view attribute definitions.

vmap_ivattrdef : 
Contains information about item view attribute definitions.

vmap_pv2pvad_rel : 
Contains information about property views and associated property view attribute definitions.

vmap_pvattrdef : 
Contains information about property view attribute definitions.

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