Sunday, November 30, 2014

BCC issues : ATG BCC

1.  fileMarker cause NullPointerException

**** Error    Thu Nov 27 19:53:23 IST 2014    1417098203972    /atg/deployment/DeploymentManager     item = fileMarker:mark600001 cause = java.lang.NullPointerException
**** Error    Thu Nov 27 19:53:23 IST 2014    1417098203972    /atg/deployment/DeploymentManager        at atg.epub.file.VersionFilePropertyDescriptor.verifyLatestFileVersion(
**** Error    Thu Nov 27 19:53:23 IST 2014    1417098203972    /atg/deployment/DeploymentManager        at atg.epub.file.VersionFilePropertyDescriptor.getPropertyValue(


Delete all your epub datas and import it again, This issue will arise missing of some required data's, Check your epub tables and if you know the exact value you can directly put that into required tables if not then enable logDebug=true for your repository and DeploymentManager component and find out the table which causing this exception.

2. GSAInvalidatorService java.rmi.server.ExportException

**** Error    Thu Nov 27 20:28:06 IST 2014    1417100286825    /    Unable to create class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService for configuration /atg/dynamo/service/GSAInvalidatorService java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use: 0; nested exception is:
**** Error    Thu Nov 27 20:28:06 IST 2014    1417100286825    / Address already in use: JVM_Bind    java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use: 0; nested exception is:
**** Error    Thu Nov 27 20:28:06 IST 2014    1417100286825    / Address already in use: JVM_Bind
**** Error    Thu Nov 27 20:28:06 IST 2014    1417100286825    /        at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport.listen(


This issues will arise when your agent server is down. or it is not started properly, Check your agent server, Whether it is in disabled mode or not. if it is enable mode and also this issue arise, it is because of port issue. you should check the lockserver ports and then pointing to these into valid port which is not used before,

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